As I mentioned in another blog post, I am pretty self-aware, so I am not surprised when someone tells me that I speak a lot. Sometimes too much. It would take me forever to tell all the funny and not that funny stories of how people have told me that I talk too much, so we are not going to go into that.
While I knew that I talk a lot, it was something new to hear that I also write a lot. Nevertheless, it was not surprising. If you think about it, writing is a form of talking to yourself. So, if I talk a lot to others, it makes sense that I talk a lot to myself.
However, we often hear that we need to be more concise in expressing our thoughts. As you can imagine, this is something that I still cannot reach. And to be honest, I’m not trying too much. I have definitely been cautious and insecure about myself for being a talkative person. I feared to be myself in order not to be annoying to anyone around me, especially in a new group of people.
Nothing feels worse than feeling not yourself. So luckily for me, I had people around me that told me: “Screw them! You tell interesting things. Who are those guys to shut you up?”. And you what? This is exactly what I did. I like to talk. This is how I express myself. And although sometimes I say unimportant things or simply stupid, who doesn’t?
I like to talk. I like to write. My mind is way too full of thoughts to keep them inside. So I guess I will just keep bursting them out on paper or to the people around me. If you have a problem with that, you can unsubscribe.
P.S. Somehow this blog about me writing too much turned out to be quite short.